Who’s That Girl | A Campaign of Transformation | 2020


Over the next few days, I will be featuring the ladies from our 2020 Who's That Girl Campaign on Facebook and Instagram. This was an incredible campaign of transformation.

Some of them have experienced past transformations that are deeply personal.

Some of them are currently experiencing their transformations, living them out slowly from day to day.

And a few of the women are still hopeful for their transformations. They are in circumstances and headspaces they wish to change. They want desperately to step into the power of themselves, and this photoshoot was the first step in that direction.

When I started the campaign I wished to tell their stories. The stories that have shaped the women they are today and the stories of the women they are becoming.

But as the campaign progressed, our friendships strengthened and the conversations deepened. I could not possibly give justice to their stories. I could not possibly sum up 30-45 years' worth of change in a short blog post. Nor do I think they want me to. Instead, I will give title and a short context to woman in the image. Titles and context that I hope give the smallest justice to their stories.

The stories that have been lived and spoken and the stories yet to be told. Please follow along on social media to see the collection.


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Check out this edit of our Studio Manager