The Photo Reveal and Ordering Appointment

About 2 weeks after your session we will meet again, either via Zoom or in person. It is here that you will see the magic. Depending on how many people were included in the session and how many outfits we got through, we will view somewhere between 40-60 images. If we are in person, I try to print a few for you to touch and feel during your appointment, but a fast turnaround sometimes prevents me from getting this done. For the most part, these selection appointments are done via Zoom from the comfort of your home, whether in Chattanooga or outside the area.

We open up with a simple video showing some highlights from the session, and then we will go one-by-one through them. This is where I ask you to pick out any that your heart just falls madly in love with. We will mark these as such until we have gone through the entire session. I can help in your selection, but I usually don’t need to, the ones you love will stick out amongst the rest. I do it this way because I”m meeting many clients for the first time during the session and I am not familiar with their microexpressions or genuine personality. I may capture 3 frames of the same smile, one will speak to me on a technical and trade level, and a completely different one will speak to you, especially if you are view photos of others that you love.

Once we have all the images you love the most selected we will bounce this off the price list. If you find that you love more than you intended (which happens often) we can either start culling through the list to stay within your budget, or we can explore some payment plan options. Many clients choose to pay through a 3-6 month plan but keep in mind, we do not submit final edits or order any product until the final payment is completed. If that is a few months out, we may schedule another zoom closer to your last invoice date to verify editing notes and solidify the order before moving forward.

Once we have our final selections done, we will go through and chat about editing levels. I am here to provide you with the best photos you’ve ever taken. Dont let a facial blemish or dress wrinkly ruin that. We will talk about our limitations, responsible use of liquify, and other shaping options.

There are 3 things I ask you to keep in mind when going into the ordering appointment:

  1. Please have your ideal payment method in mind. I am happy to take payment on the call or send an invoice immediately after. The invoice is only open for 1 week after your session. After that, the gallery is archived and will only be reopened with an administration fee. There are exceptions, so talk to us if you need more time.

  2. After your first order is placed, you can come back and order more. After your first ordering invoice is paid, your extended gallery is accessible through a scheduled zoom call up to a year from your sessions. And duplicates are heavily discounted from the original price.

  3. Anyone who has not been a part of the experience may not understand the pricing structure. Please make every effort to educate any friends or family that may be joining us for the reveal and selection, or even better, let’s make them part of it!

Oh, and did I mention we will now become friends for life? I mean, I witnessed an incredible transformation and rediscovery, why wouldn’t we be friends?


Headshots and Portraits in One Session


The Season is Picking Up