5 Things Your Photographer Wishes You Knew

woman holding camera and reviewing screen while taking headshots in Chattanooga, Tennessee

There are a hundred and twenty things you want your photographer to know about you. Are you looking for a headshot? Then you need to convey the feel of the image you are wanting. Are you looking for more of a personal branding session? Then you need to dig deep into who your images are speaking to and how they walk you clients through the buying process.

But have you ever thought about what your photographer wants you, as a client to know?

I’ve put together 5 things your photographer wishes you knew. Because as the person behind the camera, there are somethings that would make my job and your experience that much better if clients all had a few things in mind.

  1. Our style is our style. Anything you are asking us to do outside of that is an experiement and you get what you get. Seriously, look the portfolio of the person you are booking. If the styles don’t jive, I suggest you reach out to someone else who’s imagery aligns more. If not, be prepared to be surprised.

  2. We have a real job. There are photographers and then there are Photographers. It is a respectable profession and not all of us are doing it as a quick cash side gig. Producing professional work for paying clients takes an immense amount of time, energy, education and expensive ass equipment.

  3. We are not here for negotiations. If you are hiring a photographer, especially one with studio space, trust that we have ran the right numbers to make our businesses sustainable. You don’t go to Starbucks and try to negotiate your cappacino, don’t do it to us. We would love to provide everyone with the gift of timeless photos, but that doesn’t pay the bills.

  4. Photography makeup is heavier than everyday wear makeup. Think about stage makeup, it has to be thick to show up. Same thing for photography makeup, especially in a studio where there are flashing lights.

  5. If you love our portfolio, trust the process. Consistency is the key to a photography businesses. We all get lucky with one amazing shot, but being able to reproduce that with a new client every week is the secret. That becomes increasingly difficult when clients insist we alter things they don’t do everyday. The makeup application, the wardrobe suggestions, the lighting and the post processing. These all things that help us create images consistent with our portfolio.

I have a million more and plan on doing a part two. But here is a good start for you guys. And yes, I do address some of these issues in my consultations and such, but I also wish clients knew that we need you to read the information we send you, we send it for a reason.



Headshots | What’s In & What’s Out


Freedom Sings USA Sessions